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Nunavut ERP Support
Delivered by Van-Fort

Service Engagement
Congratulations on your recent roll out of Oracle products.
Van-Fort has been selected by the GN as an Oracle Cloud Developer service provider for your new system.
We can be contracted through SOA2024-67 Oracle Cloud Developer Services

Our Services

Van-Fort Technical Services

Implementation Support

The roll out of a new product or service can be challenging. Nunavut can leverage Van-Fort's more that 30 years of project experience to verify the new system's performance, resolve vendor deficiencies, develop documentation, organize training, wrap up the implementation phase and provide long term support.


Van-Fort offers a 24/7 help desk to streamline issue resolution through a centralized ticketing system. With self-service portals, chatbots, and a comprehensive knowledge base, users can resolve common issues independently. Automated workflows and expert assistance improve service reliability while minimizing downtime. Key performance metrics are used to continuously optimizing processes and improve your operational efficiency

Customization and 

Van-Fort provides development services to customize reports, dashboards, data analytics and workflows. Customization can help you improve reporting accuracy and real time insights to clarify decision making and streamline operations. We can even help you develop a requirements document to ensure that all stakeholders are in alignment.



(343) 321-5551

Tech Support


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